
If you’re expecting full disclosure here, think again!  Still, you should have some idea where I’m coming from.


Middle-aged, white, male, funny, fit, and good looking.

Prefers the company of women, pretty much regardless of the type of relationship.

Currently, resident of the planet Earth.


Partner dancing, particularly in salsa and ballroom, both of which I’ve been doing off-and-on for about 10 years.  Dancing brings me joy, not to mention a lot of attention from the ladies.

Computer gaming, especially the massively-multiplayer variety.

Working out.

Wines, primarily reds like Cabs and Pinots.

Debating with others online.


Politics and world affairs have fascinated me since my teen years.

Religions, like Christianity and Mormonism (which occupied some of my childhood).  What is so attractive about faith?


I lean libertarian in my political and economic views.

I identify with secular humanism.

I’m without belief in any god(s).  I do not categorically deny any exist, only that the evidence is insufficient to justify belief.

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